Faucet Mouth - 02/16/24

OhioFog - 02/16/24

Pickpocket - 02/16/24 (and more)

Thank you to:

  1. Oji and the rest of Faucet Mouth,
  2. OhioFog,
  3. Pickpocket,
  4. Dirty Dungarees,
  5. and You.

To the best of my ability, I tried to capture the feeling of being involved in this tight-knit music scene. I would say that I have accomplished this. Within the next week of sharing these pictures with the performing bands (Faucet Mouth, OhioFog, and Pickpocket), all of the bands have used these photos on Social Media. With one of them even making multiple posts. Because of my objective and goal with this collection, I have inadvertently strengthened the feeling I was trying to capture. I am so unbelievably grateful that I am able to be apart of this wonderful scene.

- Davis